Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Cadeaux chez les Cazaux

Though I did fun stuff on my actual birthday, my real b-day party was the day after. Brigitte invited neighbors and friends over for lunch. Absolutely wonderful! We started out with champagne and melon with ham. Then we moved on to rosé with beef and lamb skewers as well as a potato grattin. The potatoes and tomatoes were all from the garden. :) We finished off the meal with a feuilletine cake from a local bakery (with 18 candles). Brigitte gave me a book about Paris with beautiful photographs as well as a Nino Cerruti pen. The Bellesa family (the hosting family of the other American exchange student in Senlis) gave me a framed aerial photograph of Senlis. The next night I went to a Rotary dinner where I was presented with a present from the Rotary Club...most appropriately, a book about Senlis. In addition, when dessert was served, the lights went out and the waitress brought a cake with sparklers ablaze for yours truly. I hope you're all doing well. More pix coming soon...


At September 22, 2004 at 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! I haven't seen/talked to you for days...how is France? Looks like you're having a lovely time. i LOVE socal! It's soo gorgeous down here, school is tough but i'm trying to manage...the ppl are great too! Go LMU LIONS! :) Lemme know how it all goes!
--LD :)


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