Wednesday, September 22, 2004

LITERALLY the oldest café in the world. Where else but Paris?

A café in a swank quartier of Paris: please note the name. You can tell from the clientelle's cars that were not exactly in the projects.

Walking along the Seine.

Quartier St. Michel

yo yo YO. I wonder where this little arc is?

My new ride....well, actually, there was an antique car show right across the street from my house and this was my favorite.

Just a random beautiful building in Paris.

Guess the cathedral on the left and the Seine straight ahead.

A few of my purchases at a Paris flea market...(cough cough)

who wants some FROMAGE!!?!

Me blowing out the candles on the cake. From left to right: Aurore, Mrs. and Mr. Gains (our neighbors), Veronica, Brigitte, Moi, Chantal, and Fernand.

the b-day cake

Fernand and Chantal, the super cool and friendly host parents of Veronica, the other American RYE student in Senlis.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Cadeaux chez les Cazaux

Though I did fun stuff on my actual birthday, my real b-day party was the day after. Brigitte invited neighbors and friends over for lunch. Absolutely wonderful! We started out with champagne and melon with ham. Then we moved on to rosé with beef and lamb skewers as well as a potato grattin. The potatoes and tomatoes were all from the garden. :) We finished off the meal with a feuilletine cake from a local bakery (with 18 candles). Brigitte gave me a book about Paris with beautiful photographs as well as a Nino Cerruti pen. The Bellesa family (the hosting family of the other American exchange student in Senlis) gave me a framed aerial photograph of Senlis. The next night I went to a Rotary dinner where I was presented with a present from the Rotary Club...most appropriately, a book about Senlis. In addition, when dessert was served, the lights went out and the waitress brought a cake with sparklers ablaze for yours truly. I hope you're all doing well. More pix coming soon...

Saturday, September 04, 2004


Hey Everyone,
Today is not only my 18th birthday but my first bday in France!! It has been a really fun day even though I had three hours of Philosophy class (phew,that was tough). I opened a French Bank Account, tried a Diabolo à la menthe (lime soda with mint syrup), and hung out with friends and host family. I know I will always remember this birthday.

Here is a present from me to the first people who respond....GMAIL invites!!! All you have to do is ask and you shall receive. Either post a comment or e-mail me at

Regards from Senlis, France,

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Potato pickin's

Tomatoes from the bank's garden.

My favorite café on the left.

The Banque de France gates on the left and the ancient train station in front.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Downtown Senlis.